Create Reservation

Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

Reservation Scheduling
Reservation Date

Start date

End date

Room Information
Reserving this Room


On this__________day of____________ _____, 20           , intending to be legally bound hereby, the undersigned agrees and does hereby release from liability and to indemnify and hold harmless The East Dubuque District Library, and any of its employees or agents representing or related to the Library as regards to library room usage. This release is for any and all liability for personal injuries (including death) and property losses or damage occasioned by, or in connection with any activity or accommodations for this event. The undersigned further agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations promulgated by The East Dubuque District Library and/or its affiliate groups and vendors, as well as understanding that they may be held responsible for all damages incurred by room users while under library property is under their care.

Will you be serving food or drinks at your event?
A/V Equipment Needed?
Contact Information
Do you wish to receive a reminder before the reservation date?
Contact Address
Organization Information

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